Server Rules
We want everyone to have a fun and enjoyable experience. The Space Engineers Multiplayer environment is different from its single player gameplay. We must work together as a community to adhere to the following rules for the benefit of the server.
Do NOT try to skirt the rules or limitations. The spirit or intent of the rule is more important than reading the rule to the letter.
For Building Rules including block limits see Building Rules and Block Limits
For PVP rules and guidlines see Rules of Engagement
Community Rules
Please see Behavior Expectations for a detailed list of community rules that apply to both the Discord server and in-game.
General In-Game Rules
These rules serve to compliment our Building Rules, Behavior Expectations, and Rules of Engagement.
1. All grids must be owned by an active player, and be renamed to not include the word grid or they will be deleted! Grid Cleanup Rules
2. Do not strain the server, either through heavy scripting or excessive builds. If a staff member approaches you about one of your builds, cooperate or it will be deleted without compensation. (No Piston Drives, Clang Drives ect…)
3. If you aren't active for 7 days, your grids will be automatically put into the Quantum Hangar. To retrieve hangar grids use !hangar list and !hangar load #. If you need any assistance please ask an admin.
4. No Client Side Plugins are allowed on the server except those authorized by a Head Admin or by the Plugin Loader Dev Team.
4. Don't exploit mods, scripts, and/or plugins on the server in order to “cheese” the game. If you find something that doesn't work the way it should it needs to be reported to a member of staff
5. Make sure you have a base of some kind on the server. Don't troll and Grief players by simply flying around, attacking a base, then re-spawning. (more info in Rules of Engagement)
6. No PvP activities in PvE sectors, under any circumstance. Any attempt to work around the PvE plugin may result in immediate measures upto and including grid/hangar deletion, and temporary or permanent bans
6. Toxic Behaviors are NOT allowed in-game - please see Behavior Expectations
Advertising and Other Servers
1. No advertising other non-approved game or Discord servers on SkunkWorks in Discord or In-Game Chat
2. No bashing, badmouthing, or belittling other Space Engineers Servers